
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Pictures Along The Way

Here are a few pictures that should help make the trip a little more interesting.

The girls were excited to be at camp to see their friends from last year. Christine is Julie's good friend. They hooked up within minutes of our arrival.

Elbow Pond. One of three ponds we were told would be good for spoting moose. Untrue based upon our scientific observation.

Nan and I found Stump Pond to be a beautiful place. There were ducks and other birds, clear blue skies with white puffy clouds, a nice rock to sit on for a picture...that sort of stuff.

When you get time away from the kids you end up doing some crazy things. Nan got an urge to climb a tree. I thought it made a nice picture, don't you?

We crossed over into New Brunswick, Canada for about 2 hours. In McAdam we came across this old train depot. The town is trying to raise money to restore it. It is a really neat depot with active tracks still running beside it. You can probably find a website about it where you can make donation for the effort if you like.

I'll post more later. We're having a good time.

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