
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Picture From Prickett Fort

Here is the outside view of Prickett Fort. The settlers lived around the fort on their farms. When trouble with the Indians would erupt, the settlers would all go to the fort for protection. At times they would stay in this 100x100 foot fort for weeks or months, depending upon how long the trouble lasted. The fort was a cool place but I wouldn't want to be couped up for too many days were very many folks in that small area.

This woman did a fine job of explaining life during the mid 1700's. She gave us a tour of the Prickett house and talked about daily life as a settler.

The fort is located near Fairmont, Va. This young man demonstrated pottery making and is a student at Fairmont State University. He was quite interesting to talk with and has already figured out he can't change the world. However, he does realize that changing one person at a time makes a difference and he is trying to be influential to those around him. I really enjoyed speaking with him.

The young man demonstrating blacksmithing was also interesting. He was fashioning a piece to go on a chest he and his fellow blacksmiths will use to house their tools.

Since we are on a moose quest I thought I'd show what we found. No, no moose, but this gal and Nan had a long conversation about raising kids.

All of these pictures were taken by Jennifer except for the fort. I thought she did an exceptional job. I promised pictures as soon as we got back to an Internet connection. Now I've kept my promise. I hope you enjoyed them.

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