
Sunday, January 21, 2007

St. Thomas Friends and Views

Before we came to St. Thomas I had contacted Tol Burk about the church here. He put me in touch with Hubert, a member and preacher for the church here in St. Thomas. Hubert picked us up on Friday and gave us a tour of the island.

Here are Hubert and Nan with Charlotte Amilee in the background. The arrow just over Nan's shoulder points to the Marriott where we are staying. Our section is actually down the backside of that hill toward the beach.

During Hubert's guided tour his boys got out of school. We went and picked them up and went to the top of the mountain for a look.

Here is Hubert and his two sons. Hubert has very nice, well mannered sons.

Mountain Top looks over Megan's Bay, which is on the North side of the island. You can see from this photo why it is a popular place. This photo is actually taken from Drake's Seat, just a little lower in elevation than Mountain Top. I don't recall seeing a more beautiful place in the Carribbean.

The island in the background is for sale. I believe it is named Thatch Cay. It is only $42 million so if you want to go in with me, we can have our own little place in paradise. Any takers? I was thinking about making a low offer...maybe $100,000??

When we got to Mountain Top a small shower had appeared over the island that Nan and I will purchase. The sun caught it just right and this great looking rainbow appeared. We talked with Hubert's boys about what the rainbow means - that God, when He sees it, remembers the covenant with Noah that He will not destroy the world by flood waters again. Whenever I see a rainbow it is nice to know that my thoughts are similar to God's thoughts as we both remember His covenant. Here is the picture. Now you can meditate on that covenant too.

Here are the soon to be co-owners of Thatch Cay. Are you the other owner?

Saturday evening Nan and I went out to catch the sunset just outside our room. The next several shots where taken during that sunset.

You can ride this sailboat into the sunset if you like.

The moon, Venus and the sunset make a nice end to this update. We're leaving for home tomorrow and look forward to seeing everyone there.


Anonymous said...

Maybe we can confuse them by offering kroner instead of dollars. My jar of kroner is only up to 300, but give me a few more years and maybe I can go in with you.

Bill said...

Sounds like a plan. We'll have to make this a family island. Do you think Thanksgiving will be the same on our private island at 80 degrees?