
Thursday, August 04, 2011

Day 3 - Finally In Minnesota

As the Mississippi River flows between Arkansas and Tennessee, it look about the size you see below. Up here in Minnesota there are locks and dams that form the lake you see below. We have seen the Mississippi just before a dam and it is probably not as wide as the Tennessee River in Chattanooga. This is the lake at Rend Landing.

We drove through parts of Wisconsin today. The farmland is gorgeous. It is hard to believe how much corn is grown here. Every possible place they can plant corn they do. My first thought was corn for food but probably a lot of this corn goes into our gas tanks.

We saw about 10 bald eagles today. Several were immature so the population is growing. I didn't get to photograph an eagle today. Maybe tomorrow. I did manage to catch two other fliers that appear below.

Tonight we worshipped with the group where Rick Lanning preaches.  The study was on Daniel 4 and Rick did a wonderful job teaching the class. I wish we were going to be here for the entire study. The group is very friendly and folks had lots of suggestions about what we should see and do while here.

A funny thing happened after church. We went to Perkins for a bite to eat. Coming out we went to our van. When Nan opened her door a woman screamed which prompted an equally loud scream from Nan. Then they both broke into laughter when they realized Nan had opened the door of a similar looking van and not ours. The woman said, "I think I scared you more than you scared me." We laughed all the way back to the hotel.

Tomorrow we head toward Duluth and then on up the North Shore. We are a  bit tired of riding and are looking foward to being out of the van some tomorrow and for the next few days. Hopefully I'll have some better pictures to show later on.

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