
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Moose! Finally

To see a moose, you generally have to get up early or stay out late. We've done both. We were out until 10 last night and up at 5 this morning. You also have to look in the right places. Small ponds, bogs or rivers with their favorite grasses are the best locations, though a moose might just meet you on the road. Here are some picture perfect places to find a moose.

On the Gunflint Trail there is a moose observation platform. You walk about 1/3 of a mile, take a right, and about 20 yards down the path is the platform. We found no moose at the platform but on the way back to the car, we finally spotted our moose. I even photographed it for all to see.

Admittedly this is a much smaller moose than I hoped to see. So the moose quest goal is being modified to include a "large moose with a full rack." The quest is still on!

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