
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last Post From Minnesota Trip

It is hard to put a finger on what was the best part of our trip to Minnesota. The time together that Nan and I had was such a blessing. Seeing old friends and catching up on the years in between was fun too. Being able to spend time in God's grand creation is certainly faith building. Having family and friends to come home to is obviously a blessing that we count high on the list.

So without identifying a specific, we'll share some final scenes that we enjoyed together. Okay, at least I enjoyed them. I was reminded when seeing some of these shots that Nan was asleep in the van while I took some of them. Don't tell her I said that.

Early one morning we caught the fog rising over one of the small rivers.

On another afternoon we stopped at an overlook to view the little village of Grand Marais (Ma-ray) which sits on Lake Superior.

We saw all these gulls circling and it turns out they were helping a fisherman clean his catch.

One night we were treated to a great sunset over a lake/swampy area where we looked for moose. It started out this way with several clouds.

As it progressed it got better as you can see from these.

But during the middle we saw this special treat. This picture doesn't do justice to what we witnessed but perhaps comes close. The tree looked as if it were on fire from the sun.

On our last day we traveled north into Canada. At the border is Grand Portage State Park on the US side. Separating the US from Canada is the Pigeon River. On the Pigeon River are several falls. These shots are of High Falls, the highest waterfall in Minnesota. The right bank is in Canada.

That the last shot was taken at a slow shutter speed to blur the falls. You photographers will appreciate knowing that this was hand-held using my 70-200 VR II lens. Not easy and I took several shots before I got it right.

Over in Canada the topography changed into more farmland surrounded by mountains rising up steeply out of the ground. The only shot I got that depicts a little of that is this nice farm. The crop all around is wheat.

On Friday morning as we started our drive back to Tennessee, it was a bit rainy. I stopped on the highway and took one final shot. We saw aspen trees everywhere and I thought this one looked pretty good.

We sure enjoyed having you ride along and hope you enjoyed being with us. Who knows where the next moose quest will take us. This we do know. The Lord has created such a wonder place for us to live in and enjoy. And heaven is supposed to be even better. I'm looking forward to that. I don't believe we'll need a camera to remember those images!


Gene Tidwell said...

Love your travel pictures since I can't it's the next best thing cost less too. Thanks a Million

Cynthia A. Wilkerson said...

Hey friend, didnt' know you had this wonderful blog up. Going to link you to mine so I can check it often. God Bless you guys! C