
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Camp Delivery

We started the day off by attending worship with the church in Washington, NJ. We saw many folks we know. Some of the folks were people we met for the first time last year. The congregation is such a close group. Both Bible class and worship were interesting and encouraging. Brother James Finney preaches for the church. He turns 90 on July 4th. The last time I saw brother Finney was in 1976 when I was 16. It is amazing to see him now. You'd probably guess his age at 65 or 70. His mind is clear, his lesson right on target (and even short!), and he is such a pleasure to be around. Several folks half his age said his mind is better than theirs!

After services we ate at a Chinese restaurant and then drove up to the camp. We arrived at about 2:10 and realized that registration was a 3. Since we had never been early before we hadn't had that problem.

So with a little time to kill we drove down to the Delaware River to see the flooding. I couldn't get a good picture that really details the flooding. You'll notice the No Pedestrians sign on the side of the bridge. There is barely enough room for one car but folks pass each other on the bridge. I didn't want to test whether or not these northerner would be patient we this southerner and not make me jump off the bridge.

We delivered Jeff, Jennifer and Julie to the New Jersey camp today. They all were looking forward to seeing old friends. Jeff is a counselor again this year. Lots of the kids were excited to see him. The girls got to see old friends and were excited in a way that only girls seem to understand.

Here is how we left the girls.

This evening we attended services in Fair Lawn where Sewell Hall preaches. It was good to see Sewell and Caneda. As always, his lesson was very good.

We thought we were late because when we arrived the parking lot was full of cars. It turns out that the Spanish church was finishing up their services. We got to see German and Miguel, two fine men that work in the Spanish churches around New Jersey and New York.

After services we drove up the New York Through-Way to Albany where we are staying tonight. Gas was $3.17 per gallon on the Through-Way but I refrained from purchasing any. In the morning we'll find out what the price is on less captive roadways. Tomorrow is the big bike ride from Glens Falls to Lake George. Hopefully the trail is open and the weather cooperates. The forecast calls for a 30% of isolated afternoon thundershower. That shouldn't normally be a problem, but I have this friend named Murphy...

So, there is the update for today. My first post that includes pictures. But no moose picture yet. But then, we aren't in moose territory yet. That will probably come on Thursday.

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