
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July 4th

We had a very nice day today. I had hoped to get up at about 5:30 this morning to do a little bird watching here at Heather and Dave's house. I got up at around 7:30. I guess that bike ride took more out of me than I expected.

Our plans for the day got changed. We wanted to go paddle some canoes with Heather and Dave but the forecast for severe thunderstorms caused us to decide to attend the 4th of July parade in a small town about 5 miles from here. I had forgotten how much fun small town parades can be. We saw the governor of Vermont, several people wanting my vote for other offices (I told them they could count on me!), fire trucks, military vehicles, horses, etc. The kids really enjoyed it and I took lots of pictures.

We brought the kids back for lunch and left them with a baby sitter. The 4 of us adults went to Montpelier, the smallest state capital in our great 50 states, and had lunch at a fine Italian place. We talked for about 2 1/2 hours, walked the town and then came back to the house. We got to go up the mountain at the back of Heather and Dave's place to a pond where beavers have built a dam. There were many birds and quite a few tracks from either deer or moose. We pretty much agreed that moose tracks must be larger. However, the owner of the pond indicates that a moose has been frequenting the pond lately. Tomorrow morning (Wednesday) I'm going back to the pond to see what all might be around.

It was a lazy day, one we all enjoyed and needed. We ended the day playing Phase 10, a highly frustrating game for people like me whose luck and skill are equally lacking. The conversation during the game was great and overcame any stress caused by the game! After all, it is just a game.

We have heard from Julie each night. Camp is going great. As we expected, we are not hearing from Jennifer or Jeff.

Once again it is time for bed. Think of the little signs on the old Johnny Carson show...more to come.

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