
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Singing School Day 2

We've been rather busy here. We moved in Saturday night and on Sunday we worshipped with the local group here. They move their services to the college campus auditorium. There were several hundred people in attendance. The singing was great, of course. The young man who preaches here always does a fine job. I think the girls really enjoyed hearing him. I know that Nan and I did.

Our scheduled day starts about at about 6:30 for breakfast. Class starts at 8 a.m. and goes through 11:30. From 11:30 until 1 p.m. we have lunch. With 250 - 300 people here, it takes a little while to get through the line, get food and eat. So, when we finish eating it is about 12:45 and my class starts back up at 1 p.m.

The girls attend a singing for teenagers from about 1:30 until 3, I think. I get out at 3:30. We eat at 5 p.m. and I am back in class from 6 until 9 p.m. Nan and the girls attend the evening song leading where those learning skills as song leaders lead the entire group (minus my class). It is interesting to watch the growth of the men who are in the beginning class. The first night, which was last night, they generally make several mistakes and are very nervous. By Thursday night, their last night to lead, the improvement they make is so obvious. Fellows who couldn't even hit the starting note or keep time do both very well. Yesterday one of the beginners commented that the brochure about the school didn't mention the nightly song leading schedule. I asked him, "If it had, would you have come?"

As far as my class lyric writing class goes, I'm learning lots of the "rules" for hymn writing. So far I have not found my creative side. It is possible that it doesn't exist! I'll stick with it and we'll see what comes of the week.

Well, I've lost Nan and need to find her. I'm sure she is busy with several of the new friends she has made. The girls made friends quickly and disappear with their new companions after class.
It has been a very good 3 days here so far.

More later...

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